Friday, March 24, 2017

Logo! Logo! Logo!

Ah, the logo:  a piece of representative art that uniquely identifies someone or something in a visual way.  All they great ones have one: Eddie Rivard, Hunter S. Thompson (well, he actually has a few), The Fiberglass Manifesto, even Windknots & Tangled lines.  And be be brutally honest, I've always felt a little inadequate without one.

Funny how an impending surgical procedure can motivate an otherwise unmotivated soul to start ticking boxes on the ol' To-Do list.  So, I finger-painted a couple of concept drawings on my iPad, then consulted a professional: Kirk Werner, aka The Unacommplished Angler, aka Master and Commander at Itchy Dog Productions.  Kirk may promote himself as a less-than-adequate fisherperson, but he's an accomplished digital artist.  Just take a peek at his portfolio of work.

He transformed my primitive rasterized concept into something that I'm proud to use to represent myself.  I could continue to rave about Kirk's work as an artist, author, and blogger, but I'll mostly refrain, other than to thank him for being hisself.  Otherwise, I'll have to go turn on "Beaches" and open a bottle of cheap bourbon.

Sticker and T-shirts will soon be in the works.  Stay tuned.  (Accepting suggestions for businesses that do quality work in these areas.)

And I'm sure I speak for many others when I say that we're looking forward to this year's adventures of the Firehole Rangers!

Hmmf.  I guess the blog needs a makeover now.  So much for shortening the To-Do list...


  1. Tis a dubious distinction to be associated with any of the aforementioned blogs, especially The Great Unaccomplished One. but your feelings of inadequacy are well founded. That being said, the logo is great and I'd be pleased to plaster them all over my car. Probably keep the thieves and flies away.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks, Ralph. From crayons to oil, Kirk executed really well on my primitive vision.

  3. Very nice collaboration on the logo. Looks good, would look great on a hat.

    1. Hmm. Hadn't thought about that one yet.. Perhaps in Phase II.

  4. I really like Kirk's work. I have all of his Olive the Wooly bugger books.

    1. Yes, Kirk's work is impressive. I definitely envy his artistic talents (including his writing!) I was pleased to be accepted as a client.

  5. I will take one of everything.
