Sunday, January 14, 2018

Denver Flyfishing Show 2018

Fly tiers along the wall, all the way back!
One of the events I failed to write about last year was the Denver Flyfishing Show.  While fishing with Howard Levett late in the summer of 2016, we chatted about shows and he mentioned he rarely misses the Denver show.  I asked if he'd mind some company, so Mrs. Fading Angler and I joined him in January 2017.  It's a good sized show, probably about 3 or 4 times larger than the Great Waters Expo that's held here in Minnesota.

Obviously, we enjoyed it because Mrs. FA asked if we could do it again, so plans were made in October for the 2018 show.  The show again coincided with our anniversary, so it's a great excuse to take a mini-vacation.  We went to college two hours north of Denver at the University of Wyoming and I worked in Boulder for three years once upon a time.  We're familiar with the area.  (GO BRONOCS... next year?)

Wednesday, January 3, 2018


Sorry, I haven't been sneaking around Roswell or tracking Bigfoot through the north woods of Minnesota (though I have it on good authority that Sasquatch roams the north woods of Wisconsin.)  And despite the fact that I wasn't sure I'd survive neurosurgery last year, I don't have proof of life after death, either.

In this case, proof means "something that you approve."